Something something fiddling with clocks. Also how is it nearly November, and why is it so mild?
My feet have been a bit sore after Sunday, but still functional: I survived a harder than intended club training session on Tuesday, and a much gentler run for beer (finishing with beer and pizza at the Holbrook Swan) on Wednesday.

I discovered this week that text fragment URLs are a thing – follow the “Sunday” link in the previous paragraph for an example.
I took Friday off work, and finally made my Christmas cake (and the extra small one I somehow agreed to make for Nicola for the past few years).

Having said I’d recovered, parkrun was horrendous. I was late leaving home, and probably tired myself out just cycling up the hill to get there, then started several minutes behind the tail walker. I made my way past some of the slower runners, but was struggling to even maintain a glacial pace, with my heart rate through the roof. Fortunately I felt a bit better on Sunday, and went for a long slow run in the Fynn Valley with Holly, on a gloriously sunny day. We managed to accidentally both turn up in the same T-shirt, which must have looked odd to the people we passed – maybe they thought we’d got really lost and were still running the 2022 (?) Framlingham 10k.

I enjoyed Ludwig on iPlayer (or the BBC, as we used to call it), once I’d managed to suspend my disbelief that someone could walk into their twin brother’s job and no-one would notice. I’ve also started watching The Cleaner, which I’d somehow missed (I think I may have watched one episode of the first series), which is entertainingly bonkers.