
Weeknotes 2024-45

Not content with waking up on Wednesday to the news that the US was about to reelect the worst president of modern times (this time without any pretence from half the country of not knowing exactly what they were voting for), Duolingo then decided to troll me with this:

On a less depressing note, here’s a better photo of the fox, from one of his daylight visits:

Fox in the driveway, waiting for his breakfast

Sunday was the Stowmarket Scenic 7, and after feeling ridiculously out of breath on a very slow run on Friday I wasn’t expecting much. It didn’t go too badly in the end though – only a couple of seconds slower than last year. I ran most of it with or just behind Holly, then unchivalrously out-sprinted her to the line, which I think I’ll be getting stick for for a while!

The YouView app on my TV updated itself at some point, undoing my downgrade and removing the Channel 4 app again (although the actual programmes are still available if you search). I guess I’m going to have to put an aerial up after all. The only plus point is that from my research on which one to buy it appears that reception here has vastly improved since last time I looked (we used to be in a sector of the output from Sudbury that was attenuated to avoid interference with the continent).

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