On time this week (assuming I keep typing and press publish before the evening’s out).
It finally got cold, barely getting above freezing for a few days, then suddenly hit 17°C again on Sunday. I turned my heating on, then turned it off again (to paraphrase the old Aardman ad, although I don’t “heat electric”).
On Monday morning there seemed to be a lot of noisy magpies in the garden. Then while I was making coffee Badger cat dragged one of them in through the flap. I initially assumed it was dead, then it started hopping round the kitchen and perching on chairs. It seemed like it might have had an injured wing, but maybe not too seriously, so (mindful of Dave’s tale of being on the brink of dropping a rock onto what he thought was a fatally injured pigeon when it flew off) I caught it and released it over the fence into next door’s garden to give it a fighting chance.

On Thursday we had an office volunteering day at the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary, digging out a load of sand and wheelbarrowing it away. It wasn’t all hard work though – we got a flying display, and got to see all the owls, plus meerkats and armadillos.

Sunday was the Hadleigh 10, with Storm Bert in full effect. Fortunately we only got the wind though, and no rain. The race was a slog, and several minutes slower than when I last ran it a couple of years ago. I need to somehow find some form over the winter in time for London!

I still haven’t put my TV aerial up, but figured I should probably leave getting up on the roof for a weekend without 50mph gusts.