
Weeknotes 2025-04

Extremely late this week – almost forgot entirely! I don’t think very much happened though.

The front brake on my bike was making a right racket on Tuesday, so when I got home I had a look and the pads had worn down to the metal. I had a rummage around and found a new set, then managed to drop the little springy thing that keeps them apart, and spent so long looking for it that I was nearly late getting back out for training. The old one wasn’t usable, but in the end I found an old one in the bin that was still serviceable. In the process of looking, I opened the old fridge that’s in the garage that I used to use as a warming cabinet to melt honey for bottling (not that I thought the spring would be inside, but it could have been under the door), and I found half a dozen jars of honey still in there, so that’s a bonus.

Ipswich parkrun has been paused to let the park recover a bit (although the ground seems in much better nick than it was last year), so I went to Kesgrave instead, which is exactly the same distance away but in the opposite direction. I met up with Holly and Maria again to incorporate it into a long run, partly because I’d felt really tired on Tuesday and Thursday, and didn’t fancy trying to keep up on Sunday with last week’s crew.

Sunday was a lazy day, having already got the long run out of the way, then in the evening it was off to the Cricketers again to celebrate Robin’s birthday with a few too many reasonably-priced pints.

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