It did actually catch me a bit by surprise – I checked the numbers and figured today’s cross country (with a warmup) would be just enough miles to tip me over 100 for November, which feels like a bare minimum of miles, even if I’ve been slacking off somewhat with training for the past month. Then after parkrun I realised my mistake. Oh well, it’s good to break that kind of streak, otherwise it can lead to madness.
The new Beans on Toast CD arrived on Monday (which is odd, as it wasn’t supposed to be released until today). It feels like it’s almost unusual to get a CD that’s not signed these days – and, yes, also unusual to be still buying them, but the artist gets a lot more money that way than by streaming – but I think this is the first time I’ve had one that’s also signed by the singer’s six-year-old daughter!

I went ten pin bowling on Wednesday for the first time in ages, with a bunch of the coffee runners (plus a couple of partners). I was predictably terrible, but it was fun, even if the bowling place has changed a bit since I was last there – it now has an even worse selection of beer at the bar, and apparently you just wear your own shoes these days.
The aforementioned cross country was in Woodbridge (well, Sutton Heath, near the eponymous Hoo) this month. It’s on a mixture of heathland and farm tracks, with a surprising number of puddles on the latter, given that I haven’t noticed much rain lately. I ran round some puddles and round others, then happened on one that suddenly got a lot deeper than the others had, lost my footing and fell in quite spectacularly. Fortunately Phil was on hand to record the whole thing for everyone’s amusement!