
Weeknotes 2024-20

It seems summer’s back again, although there were also a couple of days of getting soaked riding to work earlier in the week.

It looked like one of those wet days was going to ruin Run for Beer again, but after a damp start to the day Wednesday evening turned out to be warm and sunny. This month we ran a circular trail route from the Freston Boot, and Rachel, Heather and I also ran there from Ipswich over the Orwell Bridge too (but got a lift home). In an exciting new development, we also decided mid-run to make a small diversion via Holbrook for a swift half in the Swan. I ordered a pint of what I assumed from the look of the pump label was some kind of dark beer, but was actually cider. Not unpleasant though. Food in the Boot was good, but a bit galling to find out after recovering from the shock of paying over £20 for a burger and chips that they’d also chucked a 10% service charge on top.

The other side of the bridge
Pitstop in the Swan
Freston Boot

After parkrun on Sunday I actually did something useful and strimmed the increasingly long grass and weeds growing in the middle of my driveway. I also removed the grass that was blocking the soakaway at the end of the drive, then removed the grate and pulled out a huge clump of mud and roots. I suspect that may mean less of a puddle up there when it rains!


Another hot day on Sunday (as it seems to be every year) for the Woodbridge 10k. Tough for the runners, but good for the spectators, who always turn out in good numbers for this one. Also good for standing outside the pub for a couple of pints afterwards!

Woodbridge 10k
Post-race recovery at the Anchor

Holly for some reason wanted some more miles for the week, so I talked myself into joining her for an extra (much slower) 10k round the boardwalks once we got back to Ipswich. At least there was more shade from the trees than there was during the race. Also couldn’t resist a quick photo at the infamous hollow tree!

Managed not to terrify any passing runners this time

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